Kazal Krishna Ghosh, Suchandan Sikder, Sharmin Chowdhury, Modhan Kumar Ray, Amitav Sarker and Gouranga Chandra Chanda
Date : 2013-06-03 Volume : 5

The study was conducted on the management including housing, feeding, productive and reproductive performance of pigeons in an intensive pigeon farm at Chittagong, Bangladesh. The pigeons were reared in modified poultry cages. For the movements of pigeons, a small paved area of 13 x 12 ft was provided in the farm. Available feed supplied to the pigeon were rice, wheat, cowpea, mustard oil cake, germinating gram and lentil as grain mix and oyster shell, grit, dicalcium phosphate and salt as mineral mix. The supplied diet contained ME (2993.8 kcal/Kg) and CP (15. %). The body weight was significantly (P<0.01) different among all the varieties of pigeons. However, there was no significant (P>0.01) difference of body weights between male and female pigeons. It was observed that the age of maturity, incubation period and productive life were ranging from 6-7 months, 18-21 days and 6-9 years respectively. The production of squabs was ranging from 5-12 pair per year. Mostly prevailing diseases were New Castle disease, Pigeon Pox, Coryza and Parasitic infestation accordingly. From the study, it was observed that the owner of that farm reared pigeons as his hobby and the production level was also satisfactory. As there is an increased demand of pigeon as food or ornamental birds in this area, he can take the chance to earn money. Further extensive studies on pigeon of larger population and of different areas should be done to know the management practice in Bangladesh as a whole and of individual varieties. 1361680494.php