Dairy industry is the most prioritized livestock sub sector in economy of Sri Lanka. Lack of good quality forage year around is a major constrain to profitable dairy production. Forage conservation as silage or hay is a limited practice among the Sri Lankan dairy farmers mainly due to higher labour requirement. There is a need for convenient forage conservation method which require less labour and time. This study was designed to evaluate feasibility of conserving roughages in dry pellet form and study the palatability and keeping quality. Four forages varieties; Gliricidia sepium, Hybrid Napier Grass (CO3 and CO4), and Leucaena leucocephala (Ipil Ipil) were harvested at correct maturity and dried in oven (control), sun dried (T1), and dried in specially developed solar drier (T2) for experiment. Dried forage samples were pelleted and analysed for crude protein, energy, ash, keeping quality, aroma, acceptability and palatability of dairy cows. T-tests were carried out using SAS 9.2 and SPSS to analyse the palatability and dry matter change.
There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in palatability between the pellet and mash form of forages. Pelleted forage meal recorded better palatability than the fresh forages. Among the four types Gliricidia sepium is the most palatable forage pellet, but there was no significant different (P>0.05) of palatability based on drying method. There was a significant difference of the dry matter content based on drying method (P<0.05). Average dry matter yield of samples sun dried (T1), dried in the solar drier (T2), and oven dried (control) were 21.47% and 17.86% and 24.25% respectively. Amount of dry matter yield loss of the developed solar dryer is low when compare to sun drying. Average required amount of wet forages to produce the 1 kg of dry forage pellet is 4.66 kg and cost of production of dry grass meal pellet was Rs 28/kg. Average weight of the pellet was 652 kg/m3. Under room condition, pelleted forage meal can be stored over 3 months without mould formation and off colour development. Sun drying is convenient but solar drying more effective in terms of dry matter recoveries. The study indicated that pelleted grass meal is acceptable, economical, and high in quality and potential alternative method for forage conservation.
Date : 2016-09-29 Volume : 8