The present study was conducted with a view to improving the microbial and keeping quality of milk produced by subsistence farmers through better milking hygiene. A survey was conducted to assess the existing hygienic quality of milk. It was found that the present hygienic conditions of the farmers at 9 selected areas were poor. A total of 27 selected farmers were trained to practice better milking hygiene (using a sanitary solution of about 200ppm chlorine). Milk samples (total 135) were collected after adopting hygienic measures to make a comparison between the two situations. It was found that Standard Plate Count and Coliform Count were reduced by 61 and 69 percent, respectively after application of better milking hygiene practices. Methylene blue reduction time of the milk samples collected from different locations averaged 8.55 hr and 11.55 hr, respectively before and after application of better hygiene. The acidity percentage of before and after study showed no significant difference (p<0.01). A detectable abnormal smell was found after 6.22 hr and 10.83 hr, respectively before and after application of better milking hygiene. The mean values of clot-on-boiling (COB) +ve time (hr) were 8.83 and 12.39, respectively before and after application of better milking hygiene. Time required to develop detectable abnormal smell and to give COB +ve averaged to work out the limit of overall acceptable keeping quality time (KQT). With a significant difference (p<0.01), KQT of milk samples were 8.00±0.696 and 11.67±0.395hr, respectively before and after application of better milking hygiene. 1487779207.php
Assessment of Microbial and Keeping Quality of Cow Milk Produced under Subsistence Farming Through Better Milking Hygiene in Barisal District
Date : 2017-03-13 Volume : 9