The experiment was conducted to know the quality of ram semen in respect of volume, color, density and mass activity as well as effect of chilled preservation of semen exhibited by motility count of spermatozoa. Six ejaculates were collected from nine native ram breeds at 7 days intervals. After collection the semen was evaluated for macroscopic characteristics. Motility was observed at 0, 24 and 48h of collection. The mean volume of semen collected from native rams was 1.62 ± 0.16 ml. The range of volume varied from 1.3 ml to 2.0 ml. The differences in semen volume among the rams were not significantly different (P>0.05). The color of ram semen was milky to creamy color. The density of semen collected from rams was 2.79 ± 0.28 score, where the density varied from 2 to 3 score. The differences in semen density among the rams were not significantly different (P>0.05). The average mass activity of the collected semen was 3.88 ± 0.91. The range varied from 2.5 + to 5 +. The difference in semen mass activity among the rams was significantly different (P<0.01). The motility percentages immediately after collection were 85.37 ± 4.19. The range varied from 80- 92 %. This differences in semen motility among the rams were not significantly different (P>0.05). The motility of the semen 24h after collection was 68.48 ± 5.39%. The range 24 h after collection varied from 60-80 %. The differences in semen motility among the rams were significantly different (P<0.001). The motility of semen 48h after collection from rams were 54.71 ± 4.61%. The sperm motility 48h after collection varied from 50-64%. The differences in semen motility among most of the rams were significantly different (P<0.05). This is the preliminary results involving the native ram. Work is going on in the same laboratory to establish the results of the present study involving quality of ram semen. 1422020398.php
Characterization of native Ram semen in Bangladesh
Date : 2015-04-21 Volume : 7