The experiment evaluated monocultures of Panicum mombasa, Stylosanthese hamata, Stylosanthese guianensis, Centrosema pubescens, Centrosema pascourum and Alysicarpus vaginalis and mixtures of panicum with each of the legumes in a 2:2 sowing ratio to determine the nature of competition among the species. Competition indices analyzed included Relative yield (RY), relative yield total (RYT), relative crowding coefficient (k) and aggressivity index (AI). The experimental design is a randomized complete block design consisting 11 treatments replicated in four blocks. Each plot size measured 1× 1 m2 while distances between plots and blocks were 0.5 m and 1 m respectively. Results of the study indicated no significant differences (P>0.05) among the parameters measured. However Centrosema pascuorum had numerically higher yield (1403.3 kg/ha) than other monocultures of grass and legumes. Mixtures were also not significantly different but Panicum mombasa-Centrosema pascourum mixture tended to produce numerically higher yield than other mixtures (1973.3 kg/ha). Total relative yield values of all mixtures albeit not significantly different were observed to be greater than unity suggestive of advantage of mixture over monoculture. Relative crowding coefficient of Centrosema pascuorum was numerically the highest (0.8932) among legumes in mixtures. It was concluded that Panicum Mombasa-Centrosema pascourum mixture was the mixture of choice based on its relatively higher dry matter yield and competitive ability of the companion legume among other legumes in mixture. 1505909219.php
Compartibility between Panicum mombasa grass and five legume forages
Date : 2017-10-16 Volume : 9