Effects of sodium bicarbonate on induced lactic acidosis in Black Bengal goats
Islam SMS, Hossain MA, Hashim MMA, Sarker MSA and Paul AK
Date : 2014-12-31 Volume : 6

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of sodium bicarbonate on induced lactic acidosis in Black Bengal goats. For these study 40 mature Black Bengal goats were selected. Four different feeding regimes with crushed wheat and crushed rice at the dose rate of 35 g/kg and 70 g/kg were used for induction of rumen acidosis. Two percent sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was incorporated with each dose regime to record its effect on rumen acidosis. After administration of computed doses of concentrates the effect on various parameters was studied over a period of 60 hours. The recorded pathological changes were more pronounced with higher dose of crushed rice without NaHCO3. The rectal temperature was significantly reduced while heart rate and respiration rates were significantly increased. The rumen pH was significantly diminished. Haemoglobin and packed cell volume were increased. Rumen motility was abolished and abdomen was distended. There was lameness and teeth grinding. All these changes were expressed prominently in goats fed crushed rice at 70 g/kg. The mortality recorded in this group was 100% within 48 hours which, however, reduced to only 20% when the same dose of feed was supplemented with 2% NaHCO3. Supplementation of lethal dose of crushed rice with NaHCO3 appears to reduce the deleterious effects of rumen acidosis and thereby salvaged the experimental animals. Postmortem changes associated with rumen acidosis were congestion and patchy epithelial desquamation of the rumen wall. This is thought to be associated with reduced rumen pH. 1417694771.php