The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of parity and gestation on different blood mineral parameters in corriedale sheep. The ewes were selected randomly from a flock of pregnant and non pregnant ewes and were divided into three groups based on parity with each containing eight non-pregnant and eight pregnant ewes. Blood samples were collected every month from pregnant ewes till lambing. The samples were also collected at the same intervals from the non pregnant ewes that acted as control. Pregnant ewes showed significantly (P < 0.05) lower values for calcium and phosphorous concentration from third month, magnesium concentration from first month, iron & zinc concentration from second month of gestation, but significantly higher values (P < 0.05) for copper concentration were reported as compared to non pregnant ewes from second month of pregnancy. Also at any stage of gestation, the concentration of a particular mineral did not vary between the pregnant ewes of different parities. In conclusion, proper mineral nutrition should be given without taking parity into consideration and also normal diet of pregnant ewes should be supplemented with micro-minerals and macro-minerals in order to have a healthy lamb at term and subsequently good reproductive performance and lactation. 1361330682.php
Impact of Parity and Gestation on Blood Mineral Profile in Corriedale Ewes
Date : 2013-10-03 Volume : 5