Morphological Indices and Stepwise Regression of Koroji Sheep
Dauda, A
Date : 2018-07-30 Volume : 10

Morphological indices and stepwise regression of Koroji sheep was done with A total population of 250 koroji sheep and 150 animals were randomly sampled from the population for Morphometric characterization. The morphometric trait measured were; body length (BL), height-at-wither (HTW), chest circumference (CC), head length (HDL), head width (HDW), ear length (EL), horn length (HNL), horn circumference (HNC), tail length (TL), rump width (RW), rump length (RL), foreleg (FLG), hind leg (HLG), height at rump (HTR) and neck length (NL). From the morphometric traits morphological indices were calculated such as Length Index (LI), Pelvic Index (PI), Body Index (BI), Proportionality (Ipr), Thoracic Development (TD), Baron Crevet (BC), Compact Index 1 (CI1), Area Index (AI) and Relative Cannon Thickness Index (RCTI). SPSS was used for stepwise regression and Excel was used for calculation of morphological indices. The values obtained for the following indices for LI, PI, BI, Ipr, TD, BC, CI1, AI and RCTI are 1.63, 81.89, 63.12, 160.18, 0.99, 2.00, 0.01, 4552.80 and 994.178 respectively. The correlation among morphological indices showed significance (P<0.01) of both positive and negative correlation. The stepwise regression showed low coefficient of determination R2 = 59.00 and high of coefficient of determination R2 = 98.30. This study is relevant in providing genetic information for proper classification of Koroji sheep into type and function. This could help breeders to plan breeding programmes to improve milk production in Koroji sheep 1523995046.php