Occurrence and therapeutic response of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Goats at the selected Southern part of Bangladesh
Rakshit N1, Paul AK, Amin MR, Asaduzzaman M, Sen PC and Talukder M
Date : 2015-11-24 Volume : 7

A Peste des petits ruminant (PPR) is an infectious and endemic disease of Black Bengal goats in Bangladesh. The aim of this study is to explore the prevalence of PPR in goat at the selected southern part of Bangladesh. An intensive survey was conducted by using pre-test questionnaire. A number of 91 goats were selected, among of them 69 (75.82%) goats were diagnosed as PPR. The highest occurrence of PPR was in Black Bengal (80.85%) and Jamunapari (72.72%). In this study, we found that the high prevalence of PPR was at 5-12 months of age. In this study there found high occurrence of PPR in female in Black Bengal, Jamunapari and cross breed were 84.21%, 79.16% and 71.42%, respectively. In case of Black Bengal the 63.15% affected goats were in between 0-6 months range. But in Jamunapari it was 45.83% in over 7-l2 month’s age. But in cross bred it was 28.57% in both 0-6 months and >12 months. In Black Bengal goat the highest temperature, heart rate, respiration and dehydration were recorded. Combined therapy (atropine, antihistaminic, antibiotic, fluid therapy) was more effective in the treatment of PPR. The findings of the present study would enrich understandings regarding the status and epidemiology of PPR in Bangladesh. 1435427212.php