In the present study, preliminary faecal examination was carried out to select donkeys having egg ≥500, which were subsequently divided randomly into three groups having at least 30 animals in each group. The group- l comprised of 30 animals was treated with fenbandazole @10 mg/kg b. wt. orally. The group-2 comprised of 40 animals was treated with ivermectin @ 0.2 mg/kg b.wt. subcutaneously and group-3 of 30 animals was kept as �untreated control�. EPG of individual animals was calculated using Modified McMaster counting technique at �0�day of treatment and then after a lapse of two weeks until the arithmetic mean EPG of that particular group reached to or above 200. Persistent effect of different anthelmintic drugs viz. fenbendazole and ivermectin was evaluated at two weeks interval. The duration of protection of both the drug was same upto six weeks; whereas, persistent effect varied from six weeks to twelve weeks in both the drugs. 1312874490.php
Persistent effect of anthelmintics in naturally infected donkeys (Equus acinus)
Date : 2011-08-09 Volume : 3