The pig is a prolific livestock whose potentials have not have not been fully harnessed in Nigeria despite the current level of animal protein deficiency and income poverty among farmers in the country. This study therefore examines the economics of pig production in Ogun State, Nigeria. The data were collected from 80 respondents through a multi-stage sampling technique. The analytical tools employed were descriptive statistics, net farm income analysis and stochastic frontier model. The study reveals that pig production is a male-dominated enterprise in the study area and most practised by young married individuals whose main source of finance is personal savings. The net farm income,operating ratio, gross ratio and rate of return to investment by the respondents were N393,123.36/annum (2,036.91 US Dollar), 0.324, 0.457 and 1.189 respectively, indicating that pig production is a profitable venture in the study area. The technical efficiency of the farmers ranged from 11.2% to 99.2% with a mean of 76.5%. The challenges facing the farmers were high cost of feed, high cost of medication, poor market for pig and pig products, inadequate capital, disease outbreak, inadequate equipment and high price of improved breeds. The study therefore calls for participation of the Government and private sectors in provision of credit facilities, suitable extension services, improved breeds and veterinary drugs. 1440613454.php
Profitability, technical efficiency and constraints to pig production in Ogun State, Nigeria
Date : 2016-02-11 Volume : 8