The present investigation was under taken to study the sympytomology and pathomorphological effect of deltamethrin and mitigatory potential of Vitamin-E. It was assessed by studying the various parameters viz., symptomatology, weekly body weight, feed consumption and water intake and pathomorphological alterations in various visceral organs. Fifty adult Wistar rats were divided uniformly in to five groups as Group A, B, C, D and E. The Group A received 1 ml. Dimethylsulfoxide plus Vitamin-E 100 mg/kg b.wt. and served as control, Group B, C, D and E rats were daily treated with Deltamethrin (98 % pure) @ 7.5 mg/kg b.wt. (Group B and C) and 15 mg/kg b.wt. (Group D and E), along with Deltamethrin, Group C and E were daily supplemented with Vitamin-E 100 mg/kg b.wt. for 30 days. Rats of Group B and C showed a retrogressive feed intake, tendency to pawing of litter material and try to burrowing in it, mild sweating on back with stretching of limb and also exhibited signs of dullness and depression whereas, the intensity of toxic signs increased dose dependently in rats of Group D and E rats manifested toxic signs like copious salivation, whole body tremor, convulsion, severe sweating and paralysis of hind limb. In both male and female rats, there was dose dependant significant (P<0.05) reduction in mean value of average weekly feed consumption and No significant change in water intake was observed throughout the experiment in all treatment groups as compared to control. Dose dependant varying degrees of gross and histopathological lesions were observed in various organs viz., liver, kidney, lung, brain, heart, spleen, testis, stomach and intestine of the rats receiving two different dose of deltamethrin (7.5 and 15 mg/kg) with and without vitamin-E. 1351768518.php
Repeated dose study on symptomology and pathomorphological of delatamethrine induced toxicity in Wistar rat
Date : 2012-11-20 Volume : 4