F. Afrin1, MMR Chowdhury2, S. Saha*1, and M. A. Islam1
Date : 2016-11-16 Volume : 8

The present study was conducted to investigate the status of infectious bursal disease (IBD) in poultry reared in fully intensive system for meat purpose. The study area was all five (05) upazillas of Gazipur district & study period was from June 27, 2012 to August 26, 2012 (60 days). Total 70 farms rearing 500 to 4000 birds were randomly selected from the study area. Birds were examined by clinical signs & postmortem lesions to diagnose IBD. IBD positive cases were defined by any sort of lesions in bursa of fabricius i.e. inflammation, haemorrhage, caseous necrosis or atrophy of the bursa. For confirmation 20 bursal samples were randomly selected (16 from suspected positive & 04 from suspected negative) for serological test, ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Through serological test it was revealed that, the post mortem lesions of 100 birds of which 43 farms with only IBD & 27 farms with IBD mixed infection i.e. total 70 farms were infected with IBD. Maximum numbers of farms were infected between the ages of 03 to 05 weeks. The highest percentage of morbidity, mortality & prevalence were 75.71, 22 & 46.76 & the lowest of those were 19.38, 3.8 & 32.7 whereas average percentage of morbidity, mortality & prevalence were 41.89, 9.50 & 41.89. The risk factors were identified mainly wrong vaccination, overcrowding, poor ventilation heat stress and lack of biosecurity. Proper vaccination was proved as the key to prevent the disease. 1476801536.php