The present study was designed to ascertain serum sodium, potassium, chloride, copper and zinc concentrations during pregnancy, lactation and period of Buchi sheep. A total of 60 Buchi sheep maintained at private farm in Bahawalpur District were divided into two groups (mated and not-mated). Mated ewes were identified as group M (n=30) whereas not mated ewes were recognized as group NM (n=30). Blood samples were taken from each group (M and NM) after every 3 month over 1 year period from the jugular vein. The periods were as follows: 1 = early pregnancy (October), 2 = late pregnancy (January), 3 = lactation (April), and 4 = dry season (July). Serum sodium, potassium, and chloride were determined on a clinical chemistry whereas copper and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The mean serum sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations varied non-significantly (P>0.05) during early, late pregnancy, and during lactation, dry period in group M ewes and varied non-significantly (P>0.05) in NM group ewes. The copper concentrations in group M ewes increased with advancing pregnancy and was significantly high (P<0.05) during late pregnancy whereas during lactation and dry period, copper concentrations dropped significantly (P<0.05), whereas, in NM group ewes, the copper concentrations varied non-significantly (P>0.05) during different periods of the year. The zinc concentrations increased non-significantly (P>0.05) from early to late pregnancy in group M ewes, whereas in group NM ewes, the zinc concentration differed non-significantly (P>0.05) among different periods. The results of present study showed that serum sodium, potassium, chloride concentration were almost comparable for M, NM group ewes and season, physiological state do not have any effect on these metabolites, whereas, the copper and zinc concentrations changes during pregnancy. It was suggested that while elucidating the electrolyte and mineral status, period of the year and physical status of the Buchi sheep should be taken into consideration. 1440586371.php
Serum Electrolyte and Mineral Variations during Pregnancy, Lactation and Dry Periods in Buchi Sheep
Date : 2015-12-17 Volume : 7