Safa A. Mohammed, Rahamtalla S, Salah S. Ahmed, Ibrahim A. Ishag, Bakheit M. Dousa, M.-K.A.Ahmed
Date : 2014-12-23 Volume : 6

One hundred one dairy small holders, of both Kenana and Butana cattle in nine villages in the homeland of Kenana and Butana cattle in Sudan were randomly selected, with the objective of characterizing dairy production systems, adopted management practices, breeding objectives and constraints, for dairy development in this area. The average age of household heads in study was 54.92±7.78 and 56.73± 12.0 years for Kenana and Butana, respectively. With regard to educational status, the proportion of Khalwa (Quranic schools) was high among both Kenana (56%) and Butana (62.7%) herders. The average herd size of Kenana and Butana cattle was 10 and 6 animals, respectively. Sale of milk was the main source of income in Kenana area (100%) while it was up to 50% of the total income in Butana area. Forty eight percent of Kenana herders bred their cow to their own bulls, while most Butana owners relied bulls from other sources such as neighbors. The criteria for selection of breeding bulls were body conformation (72%) and (80.4%) for Kenana and Butana owners, respectively. The disease reported most by Kenana owners was Trypanosomosis (61.8%), while tick problems was the major concern among Butana herders. Constraints for dairy development in Kenana area included, poor pastures. Unavailability and high costs of feeds and shortage of water predators, disease, poor animal health and extension services were the major constraints in the Butana region. Dairying in the studied area can be improved through the provision of services related to feed supply, use of non-conventional feed resources, improving access to water, allocating land for semi intensive farms. A sustainable genetic improvement program and the provision of veterinary and extension services are also central to development. 1411016621.php