Menz sheep is the only coarse wool producing sheep in Ethiopia. The fleece of this sheep is generally used for producing local handicrafts. The fleece was collected from pedigreed Menz sheep reared at Debre Brhan Research center. Fleece samples were collected thrice during the study period following the standard protocols. The physical parameters of the fleece were staple length (SL), crimp/inch, numbers and diameters (μm) of different types of fibers (wooly, hetero and hairy). While, the chemical parameters were, percentages of ash, wool wax and vegetable matters (burr). The samples pertain to both the sexes and different age groups The staple length varied with the sexes and age of the sheep. The numbers of crimps per inch varied from 3.78 to 4.14. The percentage of true fiber varied from 37.0 to 40.7, while those of the hetero and hairy fibers varied between 35.0- 3 and 25.83 to 28.29, respectively. The diameter of true, hetero and hairy type fibers (µm) varied between 24.98 and 26.58; 29.62 and 40.74; 61.68 and 89.38 respectively. The percentages of wool wax and scouring yield too varied due to sex and age, with values ranging between 7.93- 10.91 and 62.56 – 68.05, respectively. High coefficients of variation between the traits indicate significant within breed variation and therefore a possibility of selection for fleece related traits. 1492669713.php
Some physical and chemical properties of fleece from Menz sheep
Date : 2017-05-09 Volume : 9