Virulence factors and Antibiotic resistance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus gallinarum strains isolated from farm animals in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
David, O. M.
Date : 2014-02-26 Volume : 6

Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus gallinarum are part of enterococci that carry multiple antibiotic resistance genes. Their occurrence in animal and man has been documented. The occurrence, antibiotic resistance and the virulence factors of the organisms in the faecal samples of six farm animals in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria was reported in this study. Microbiological methods were used in the isolation and the determination of the virulence factors of the isolates. The antibiotic resistant of the isolates was determined by disc diffusion method. The occurrence of E. faecalis (92.5 %) was higher than that of E. gallinarum (18.8 %) in all the samples. Compared to other virulence factors, the occurrence of gelatinase was highest in both E. faecalis and E. gallinarum. The total E. faecalis strains that expressed both cytolysin and gelatinase were 22 (30.1 %), with the highest among isolates from rabbits. Enterococcus gallinarum strains that produce both gelatinase and heamoagglutinase were only noticed in goat. Only nine (10.8 %) of the total E. faecalis isolates had all the three pathogenic factors. The enterococci isolates had the least resistance against gentamicin while tetracycline showed the least effects on the isolates. Comparatively, E. gallinarum strains were more resistant to antibiotics tested. The isolates were majorly resistant to first line antibiotics. The occurrence of antibiotic resistance among E. faecalis and E. gallinarum with virulence factor(s) is of public health concern. 1388153036.php